this tag tutorial was made using artwork by Elias Chatzoudis
I bought my tubes from PTE but they are now available from Elias's own site HERE
scraps used Arachnid by Sarah @Designs by Sarah
available HERE
Halloween Mask 0905 by VixPSP HERE
add mask to your mask folder
open paper 2 from the kit resize by 70%
copy and paste paper2 onto your canvas
then apply vix halloween mask 0905
by going to Layers - load/save mask from disk
choose the correct mask and click load or apply.
depending on your version of PSP.
go to Layers - Merge - Merge group
open up frame 2 resize by 90%
copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas
add a drop shadow
Halloween Mask 0905 by VixPSP HERE
add mask to your mask folder
open paper 2 from the kit resize by 70%
copy and paste paper2 onto your canvas
then apply vix halloween mask 0905
by going to Layers - load/save mask from disk
choose the correct mask and click load or apply.
depending on your version of PSP.
go to Layers - Merge - Merge group
open up frame 2 resize by 90%
copy and paste as a new layer onto your canvas
add a drop shadow
using the selection tool in PSP
draw out rectangle and while its still selected
completely fill the selection with tube of choice
do this by keep copying and pasting each tube as a new layer
then when happy with placement of all tubes go to
selections invert and hit the delete key to remove the excess from each tube layer
untill you are left with just the rectangle filled with your tube
it will look something like this...
now go to selections none
next merge down till all the tubes are on the one layer
adjust hue and saturation to zero
*next step is optional
then go to Plugins - Xero Radiance using these settings
now floodfill on a new layer with gradient of choice
there are some great free ones HERE OR HEREthen change the blend mode to screen
by going to Layers- Properties and in the drop down menu choose 'Screen'
you can play with different gradients, and different blend modes for different effects..
add spider from the kit resize by 35%
add a drop shadow
add the pink web line resize by 95% slide beneath the frame and rectangle layer
add a drop shadow
I used 2H 2V opacity 48 blur 3
Add your text or name
fonts I used were too tight set to 72 get it HERE
and lamplighter Script set to 48 get it here
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