Friday 23 March 2012

Man Eater

This tag tutorial was written by me on 23rd March 2012 any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental

For this tut I am using the fantastic artwork of Elizabeth Austin
you can purchase her tubes from UYA.
i used the tube entitled Man Eater

Template 110 by Simone (Scrappy bit of fun) from HERE

Animation is a premade one by Patricia -  get it on her blog

Filters used were: Xero and  VM Transmission
open template 110, delete the watermark

make the black background layer of the template the active layer  simply by clicking on it
and go to Effects - Filters - VM -Extravaganza - Transmission 
with the following settings
 click ok

open copy of the tube you want to use,
make it greyscale by going to
Adjust - hue and saturation and set both the hue and saturation to 0 (zero)

then click on the slats layer
go to select all - selections invert -
copy and pate the grey scaled tube as a new layer onto the template

then hit the delete key to remove the excess

merge down by going to Layers -  merge down

duplicate this layer and change the blend mode to overlay
do this by going to Layers - Properties change the blend mode from normal to overlay

then merge down again

then go to layers - duplicate 
then go to  Image - mirror
now arrange both  greyscaled slatted images to your liking on either side of the template

add main tube to center, go to Effects - Plugins - Xero-Radience
and use these settings
move white frame to top by clicking on the white frame layer and
go to Layers - move to top

repeat for the black frame
go to Layers - move to top
 then type out the text MANEATER with bank gothic mid font size 72 background fill white

stretch the word width ways so that it stretches across the whole tag
convert to raster and lower the opacity to about 30

i then added my name in white with Dr Carbfred font size 72 also

add your artist copyright
thats the tag itself made
this may not be the way you do animation I am a tad cackhanded when it comes to these things....
I can only tell you how i do things.....if you have a better way please use that. ;)

open the premade animation  by patricia in animation shop
you will see it has 57 frames
leave as is for now...
because i placed the animation behind the middle tube
 simply X out the top layers, so the top 2 frames of the template, 
the copyright, your name and the text maneater and middle tube

then copy merged and paste into animation shop as a new animation
 then duplicate this frame 56 times 
and Select All
click the propagate patste button (it looks like 3 sheets of paper)

now click on the premade animation by patricia and go to Select All
and copy and paste into your tag

this should add the premade animation to your tag


unhide the top layers that you hid before and then hide the bottom layers
then go to copy merged and paste as as a new animation into animation shop

then copy and paste the tube etc, and paste into selected frame
(because you have them all selected and the propagate paste button down it should paste into all frames the same)
now slide to the first 10 frames of your animated tag and you will see that the animation does not show behind her head for these 10 or so frames....delete these frames as they are not needed

save your tag  as a gif with a unique name and you are done...

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