Friday, 2 August 2013

Birdsong - old school tutorial

  photo CDO-Birdsong.jpg
click on the preview to see the tag full size

I have used the artwork of Jonathon Earl Bowser
you will need to purchase a licence to use this artists work HERE

old school tutorial
using plugins / filters -
VanDerLee - Unplugged
VanDerLee - Halftone
 MuRa's Meister - Clouds
fonts used FAKE PLASTIC font for the quote  HERE
Jellyka - Love and Passion font HERE- for my name
open up a new canvas 600 X 250 PIXELS

floodfill your canvas with white
then go to Effects - Plugins - MuRa's Meister - Clouds
with the following settings
(I chose a light blue from my tube as the BG colour)

 photo Muras-Cloudfilter.jpg

Click ok

copy and paste tube of choice
I used the close up version that comes with this tube.

then duplicate this tube
then go to Effects - VanDerLee - UnpluggedX -Laser Rays
with these settings

 photo unpluggedLaserRays.jpg
click ok

slide this layer beneath the main tube layer

then duplicate the main tube again

go to Effects - VanDerLee - Halftone
with these settings
  photo Halftone.jpg
click ok

add birds on a branch
(which is also included with this tube)
duplicate this tube layer and repeat the halftone plugin

slide both the halftone layers beneath the main tube layers
and arrange a little to the left

add drop shadows to the main tubes

then go to Layers - Merge Visable

then go to Effects - Plugins-AAA FRAMES-Foto frame 
with these settings
 photo FotoFramesettings.jpg
click ok

then duplicate merged layer 
then go to Layers - Properties- and change the blend mode from normal to overlay

write out your quote
FAKE PLASTIC size 24 colour white
convert to raster layer
* I added a light blue gradient glow *optional*

add name and copyright...
and save your tag. x