For this tut I am using the fantastic artwork of Pinuptoons
This is a pay to use artist so you should not use this artists work without purchasing the appropriate licence to do so - now From CDO
For this tut you will need PSP,
TWEET THIS scrap kit by me this is a PTU kit you can get it from
Twilight Scraps HERE or from Digital Chaos under Candys Treats
dont forget to check out my blog for freebies HERE
1 BeanSprout DNA font used for my name
open up and copy and paste Cluster frame 3 from the kit ,
using the magic wand tool - click inside the circle
select modify expand by 12 and copy and paste as a new layer a paper of choice from the kit i used the plain neutral one
then go to selections invert and hit the delete key to remove the excess.
then go to - selections none.
slide the paper underneath the frame layer
copy and paste the Brown Tree from the kit, slide this beneath the frame also and erase the stump poking out from the bottom of the frame with your erasor tool...
copy and paste the same tree gain and arrange to right of the frame
slide tot he bottom layer, add a drop shadow,
now for the tube, for the appearance that she is coming out of the frame do the following....
copy and paste the tube , duplicate it add a drop shadow to the top tube now, if you do it after you erase parts you will end up with an ugly dark smudge where the tube overlays the bottom one
then slide the duplicate below the frame, select your top tube layer and with your eraser tool,
now erase the part of the tube that's over the words in the frame...
add the heart button resize by 40%
open up bow resize by 30%
and finally add a bird from the kit ,i used the pink one resize by 25% add a drop shadow
add your name i used 1 BeanSprout DNA font set to size 48
background fill set to pink and foreground fill set to a white , set stroke width to 2
add a drop shadow...
add the artists ©
Save your tag as a JPEG or a PNG and your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial.
I hope you enjoyed it
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